Altered papírzsebkendő tartó / Altered tissue box


Szuper hírem van számotokra!
Az a nagy öröm és megtiszteltetés ért, hogy bekerültem a  Mitform Castings Creative Teambe, tehetséges emberekkel és fantasztikus termékekkel dolgozhatok, inspitálhatok másokat. Új kalandok és kihívások elé nézek. :)
A első projektem egy altered stílusú  papírzsebkendő tartó, amiről step by step videót is találtok YouTubeon.

I have great news for you!
It was a great happiness and honor for me that I have been asked to join the Mitform Castings Creative Team and can I work together with talented people and these awesome products, so I can inspire others. I am facing new adventures and challenges. :)
My first project is an altered tissue box. You can also find a step by step video on YouTube about it.

Felhasznált termékek/ I used:

Mitform Castings - Gwiazda/Star_1.2_STE.
Mitform Castings - KOŁA ZĘBATE Ø30MM STE
Mitform Castings - KOŁA ZĘBATE Ø40MM STE
Mitform Castings - KLUCZ 3_STE
Mitform Castings - RAMKA 4.5_FOUND_STE
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Gesso - Black
Prima - Finnabair - Elementals Stencil - Dots & Stripes
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Paper Texture Paste
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Icing Paste - Old Silver
Prima - Finnabair Mould - Stars and Moons
Prima IOD Mould - Elsian Clockwise
Prima Finnabair Moulds - Mechanica
Prima Redesign Mould - Numerals
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Body Gel
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance Texture Paste - White Crackle
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy Impasto Paint - Eggplant & Manor Blue
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Sparks - Night Shadow
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - Amethyst
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - White Pearl
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Old Silver
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Brushed Iron
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Soft Gloss Gel
Prima - Finnabair Art Ingredients - Micro Beads set
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance Glitter Set - Ebony & Ivory
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Gesso - White
Prima - Finnabair Clear Stamp - Checkered Texts


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