The key to the city- Florence

A mai alkotásom egyben creative team projektem a Mitform Castingshoz ismét egy utazáshoz köthető. Ezúttal Firenzéhez.
Nagyon szeretem Olaszországot és a konyhájukat, de a következő utazásom oda a jelen helyzetben még várat magára. Woodouts kulcs alapot használtam, amire Finnabair Soft Matte Gellel ragasztottam fel az AB Studio take me there rizspapírját.
Texture pasztákkal tettem harmonikussá a széleit. Az egyik kedvenc stencilemet használtam, amit Old Silver icing pasztával vittem fel. A rétegzéshez Finnabair és Prima marketing mouldokat használtam, amire szintén azokat a pasztákat alkalmaztam, mint a kulcs szélein, egy kis rozsda effekt pasztával kiegészítve. A Mitform Castings fém elemeit használtam a projekt során, ami nagyon feldobja a kompozíciót. Waxokkal tettem hansúlyosabbá.
Természetesen a szemcsés díszítő elemek sem maradhattak el.
Tutorialt is készítettem, amit itt találtok:

My work today is a creative team project with Mitform Castings, and it is related to a journey again.
This time our journey leads to Florence.
I like Italy and their cuisine, but my next trip is going to have to wait due to the present situation. I used a Woodouts mdf key base on which I glued the Ab Studio rice paper with Finnabair Soft Matte Gel.
I made the edges more harmonious with texture pastes. I used one of my favourite stencils, which I applied with Old Silver icing paste. For layering, I used Finnabair and Prima marketing moulds and I also applied the pastes like I did on the edges of the key. I complemented it with a little rust effect paste. I used the Mitform Castings metal embellishments during the project, which made the composition so much better. I made it more impressing with waxes.
Of course, I could not leave out the grainy decorative elements either.
I additionally made a tutorial. You can find it here:

Have a nice day! xoxo

I used:
Mitform Castings - WALIZKA/SUITCASE_1_STE
Mitform Castings - KOŁA ZĘBATE Ø30MM STE
Mitform Castings - KOŁA ZĘBATE Ø40MM STE
Mitform Castings - KLUCZ 1_STE
Woodouts - Klucz Steampunk 30 cm
Woodouts - Zestaw 3 kluczy Steampunk
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Soft Matte Gel
AB Studio - Rice paper "Take me there"
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Patina Paste - Cool Grey & Cream
Prima - Finnabair Stencil - Read My Letter
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Icing Paste - Old Silver
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Gesso - White
Prima - Finnabair Mould - Mechanica
Prima Re-design Mould - Numerals
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Rust Effect Paste - Brown
Mitform Castings - Metal elements
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Body Gel
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - Soft Satin
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - Silver Spoon
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Aged Brass
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Rich Copper
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Brushed Iron
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Soft Gloss Gel
Prima - Finnabair Art Ingredients - Glass Glitter - Copper
Prima - Finnabair Art Ingredients - Micro Beads set - Silver
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Glitter Set - Luminous
Prima - Finnabair Clear Stamp - Crackle
Prima - Finnabair Art Daily - Sentiments


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