Mitform desk organizer

A mai projektem a Mitform Castingshoz egy toll és papírtató, amire a szuper cool új termékeket használtam.
Első körben egy vastagabb kartont festettem le Finnabair Impasto festékekkel. (Linen, Bottle Green, Dark Chocholate) Aminek a színeit Orléans Taupe és French Amber Artisan Powderrel tettem pasztelosabbá, de mégis intezívebbé. Ezt ragasztottam fel a fém tartóra, erre kerültek a Mitform fém csövek és fogaskerekek. Waxokat kentem rá, így kicsit látszik rajta az idő múlása
A tutorialt itt találjátok:

Today’s project for Mitform Castings is a pen and paper pad for which I used the super cool new products.
Firstly, I applied paint to a thicker cardboard with Finnabair Impasto Paints (Linen, Bottle Green, Dark Chocolate). Then I made the colours more intense and pastel-like with Orléans Taupe and French Amber Artisan Powder. I glued this to the metal holder, and I placed here the Mitform metal tubes and gears. I spread some waxes on it, so it shows a bit the passing of time.
The tutorial can be found here:

Have a nice day! :)

I used:
Mitform Castings - KOŁA ZĘBATE Ø40MM STE
Mitform Castings - KOŁA ZĘBATE Ø10MM STE
Mitform Castings - RURKA/TUBE_1_STE
Mitform Castings - RURKA/TUBE_2_STE
Mitform Castings - RURKA/TUBE_3_STE
Mitform Castings - RURKA/TUBE_4_STE
Mitform Castings - RURKA/TUBE_5_STE
Mitform Castings - RURKA/TUBE_6_STE
Mitform Castings - RURKA/TUBE_7_STE
Mitform Castings - ZAWÓR/VALVE_1_STE
Mitform Castings - ZAWÓR/VALVE_2_STE
Mitform Castings - RAMKA 9_STE
Mitform Castings - NAROŻNIK GÓRNY 2_STE
Mitform Castings - NAROŻNIK BOCZNY 8_STE
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - Steampunk Copper
Prima - Finnabair Memory Hardware Artisan Powder - French Amber
Prima - Finnabair Memory Hardware Artisan Powder - Orleans Taupe
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy Impasto Paint - Linen & Dark Chocolate & Bottle Green
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Texture Paste - Graphite
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Vintage Gold
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance Glitter Set - Ebony & Ivory
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Texture Paste - Paper Texture Paste
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Matte Wax - Rusty Brown
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Old Silver
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Brushed Iron
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Bronze Age
Prima - Finnabair Art Ingredients - Micro Beads set
Prima - Finnabair Art Ingredients - Glass Glitter - Copper
Prima - Finnabair Mechanicals - Numbers
Snip Art Industrial Factory - Rury
Prima - Finnabair Clear Stamp - Vintage Vanity - Seamstress
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Soft Gloss Gel
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Body Gel


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