Tree-Branched Creation with Mitform Castings


A következő projektem a Mitform Castingshoz egy faágas óraszerűség :D
Orosz gyártótól rendeltem ezt a szuper alapot, kicsit vékonyabb, mint az eddigiek, de ugyan úgy stabil. Mivel elég különleges a formája, így nem akartam túlságosan eltérni a vonalvezetésétől. Amikor megláttam tudtam, hogy valami rusztikusabbat szeretnék látni végeredményként, ezért rozsda és patina effekt pasztákat használtam, matt és metál waxokkal kiegészítve.

A tutoriált itt tudjátok megnézni:

My next project for Mitform Castings is a tree-branched object which is kinda like a watch.
I ordered this great basis for this project from a Russian manufacturer, it is a little bit thinner than the earlier ones but still stable. Since it has a peculiar shape, I didn’t want to deviate too much from its outline. When I saw it, I knew I wanted to see something more rustic as an end result, so I used rust and patina effect pastes complemented with matte and metallic waxes.

You can check out the tutorial here:

Have a nice day! :)

I used: 
Mitform Castings - Clock_Hands_6.1_STE
Mitform Castings - Graduation_2_STE
Mitform Castings - Koło zębate podzielone ø80mm 1_STE.
Mitform Castings - Koło zębate podzielone ø80mm 2_STE.
Mitform Castings - Koła zębate ø30mm STE
Mitform Castings - Koła zębate ø40mm STE
Mitform Castings - Valve_1_STE
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Gesso - Black
Prima - Finnabair Mould - Mechanica
Prima - Finnabair Mould - Stars and Moons
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Body Gel
Prima - Finnabair Vintage Trinkets - Bottle Caps
Prima - Finnabair - Mechanicals Metal Embellishments - Old Plates
Prima - Finnabair Vintage Mechanicals - Large Numbers
Prima - Finnabair Mechanicals - Mini Stars
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Rust Effect Paste set
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Patina Effect Paste - Blue
Prima- Finnabair - Mechanicals - Scrapyard Butterflies
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Matte Wax - Patina Blue
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Matte Wax - Patina Green
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Matte Wax - Old White
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Vintage Gold
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Rich Copper
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Gesso - White


  1. Very very amazing project. Pls where can I buy the base? I love it.

    1. Thank you very much :)


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