Mitform Sea Adventure


Ezúttal egy tengeres – kalandos témában hoztam alkotást. Karácsonyi kollekcióból a csillagokat választottam, a tengeres kollekcióból pedig a hajó kormányt és a horgonyt, de néhány régebbi elem is megtalálható rajta.
Egy borsőrlőt használtam alapnak, aminek az oldalára véstem egy kis részt az egyik mutató számára. Mivel ilyen formára elég nehéz dolgozni, így a stabilitás érdekében gézt tettem a kritikus helyekre és mellesleg nem mutat rosszul rajta. Dusty Attic chipboardokat ragasztottam rá, majd fehér gessoval lekentem az egészet. Lindy’s Gang miszteket fújtam rá, továbbá magical pigment port a hálós chipbordok köré. A Mitform Castings fém elemekre Finnabair akrilfestéket és Lindy’s magical porokat használtam. (a termékek listáját a bejegyzés végén megtaláljátok)
Felragasztottam a Mitform fém elemeket és pár Prima mouldot. A végén art stonet, csillámport és apró gyöngyöket szórtam rá. 
A tutorialt itt találjátok:

This time the theme was the sea and adventure. I chose the stars from the Christmas collection, and the ship's wheel and anchor from the sea collection, but some older items can also be found on it.
I used a pepper grinder as the basis, on the side of it I carved out a small section for one of the clock hands. Since it is quite difficult to work on this shape, I put gauze on the crucial places for the sake of stability and by the way it does not look badly on it. I glued Dusty Attic chipboards to it and then greased the entire thing with a white gesso. I blew Lindy’s Gang mists on it and magical pigment powder around the mesh chipboards. I used Finnabair acrylic paint and Lindy’s magical powders for Mitform Castings metal embellishments. (the list of products can be found at the end of the entry)
I glued the Mitform metal embellishments and a couple of Prima moulds. At the end, I put the art stone, some glitter powder and tiny beads on it.
You can find the tutorial here:

Have a nice day! :)

I used:
Mitform Castings - Gwiazda/Star_1.2_STE.
Mitform Castings - Gwiazda/Star_2.1_STE.
Mitform Castings - ZAWÓR/VALVE_1_STE
Mitform Castings - KOTWICA 2 STE / ANCHOR 2 STE
Mitform Castings - WSKAZÓWKA/CLOCK_HANDS_3.2_STE
Mitform Castings - WSKAZÓWKA/CLOCK_HANDS_3.1_STE
Mitform Castings - RAMKA 6_STE
Mitform Castings - NAROŻNIK GÓRNY 3_STE
Mitform Castings - ZĘBATKA ZŁOŻENIE 3_STE
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Sculpture Medium - Natural Beige
Dusty Attic - Fish Net Panel
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Body Gel
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Heavy Gesso - White
Prima Re-Design Mould - Mariner’s Voyage
Prima - Finnabair Mould - Mechanica
Prima - Finnabair Mould - Cogs & Wings
Prima - Finnabair Mould - Stars and Moons
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance - Texture Paste - White Crackle
Lindy’s Stamp Gang - Moon Shadow - Gossamer Gold
Lindy’s Stamp Gang - Flat Fabio - Greased Lightnin' Green
Lindy’s Stamp Gang - Starburst - Time Travel Teal
Lindy's Stamp Gang - Magicals - Industrial Chic - Shabby Turbine Teal
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - Hazelnut
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - Mermaid Teal
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique - Silver Spoon
Lindy's Stamp Gang - Magicals - Autumn Leaves - Cattail Copper Brown
Lindy's Stamp Gang - EP - Desert Moon Copper Teal
Lindy's Stamp Gang - EP - Midnight Gold
Tim Holtz - Idea-ology - Word Bands
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Aged Brass
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Metallique Wax - Vintage Gold
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Matte Wax - Rusty Brown
Prima - Finnabair Art Basics - Soft Gloss Gel
Prima - Finnabair Art Ingredients - Art Stone & Mini Art Stones
Prima - Finnabair Art Ingredients - Micro Beads
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance Glitter Set - Luminous
Prima - Finnabair Art Extravagance Glitter Set - Caribbean Seas
Prima - Finnabair Art Alchemy - Matte Wax - Old White


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